Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Holidays!!!

As the weather is getting colder, and the trees are getting covered with ice. Christmas lights and trees are going up. Santa is getting ready for his busy night. Elves getting into the toyshop makings toys for those girls and boys.  MxdbreedGraphix is wishing everyone Happy Holidays!!! :D

Hunger Games Take Over

Hunger Games Take Over

 I am very late on the whole HungerGames movie, but when I finally watched it I was so infatuated with it. The whole storyline was absolutely amazing.  As a person into graphics, make-up and fashion, each scene was flawless. Costumes were simply glamorous, the contrast from the scenery to the characters was graphically placed together in a unique way.

MxdbreedGraphix  has been taken over, the capitol came and took over lol.